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Is Nicotine Addictive?
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Nicotine is an
alkaloid. Very few substances on the earth have such
properties. An alkaloid is a chemical which behaves upon the nervous system as either a
stimulant or as a sedative depending upon the direction which the system is out of
balance. If the nervous system is agitative nicotine will act to soothe the agitated state.
Conversely if the system were fatigued to the point of near sleep the affects of nicotine
would be to stimulate the system to a point of more ready alertness. This accounts for
the large body of evidence that shows greater mental and acuity skill for smokers than for
non smokers.
Nicotine does not cause cancer. There is no evidence that Nicotine causes cancer.
This is a fabrication of wrong information about tobacco produced by one sided slanted
electronic press.
Nicotine is habituating and by bending the real definition of addiction may be found to
be addictive. Nicotine constricts blood vessels and can cause circulatory problems in
those who are prone to such. There is much evidence that
heredity plays a large role in both circulatory diseases and cancer which is attributed to smoking. In fact there
are studies which show that smoking behavior itself is influenced by heredity. Hopefully,
based on these studies the heredity argument can be used to afford smokers the same
special exemptions granted other minority portions of society.
Habituation is:
The repeating of an act, which by being repeated so often by an
individual makes that act become automatic.
Addiction is:
The chemical dependence on a substance, or the need to commit
some act so that the individual has no self control over the degree of his physical or
mental habituation. (Many too many people have quit smoking to be able to call
Nicotine addictive, but other chemicals in the "modern safer" cigarette surely have
chemicals which are in combination with nicotine addictive.)
There are chemicals in American cigarettes which enhance the effects of organic nicotine
while providing their own addictive characteristics to the smoke by allowing some of the
4000 components present in the smoke to permeate the blood - brain barrier more quickly
thus making the smoke from cigarettes more addictive.
There are chemicals being added to the American cigarette which in fact do present
serious health risks but they are not chemicals found in native tobacco.
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611 Parkway - D Level
Gatlinburg TN 37738
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